Creative activities are essential for a company to get off the ground.
At this point, a crisis of entrepreneurship prevails. Obviously, a strong figure is needed—one who has the necessary knowledge and skills to introduce new business techniques. But finding that One Common Man is easier said than done. The founders often resist stepping aside, even though they are probably temperamentally unsuited to the job. So here is the first choice we provide for benefiting the development of any common man: to locate and install a strong business, and try helping them out in becoming their own boss, by building an altogether a new idea of business set-up.
“So, I came up with a revolutionary idea of customizing, modifying and redesigning trucks especially for food entrepreneurs (suitable for other businesses as well), so that they could expand their business in a cost-effective way. With less infrastructure and cost involved, any person, gets the freedom to express himself and could become independent. Pandemic affected the lives of people terribly. This idea is laid down to motivate all those who lost hopes of survival, due to loss in their business and suffered major financial crises. I was in particular, disturbed with the losses faced by the common man, losing their near and dear ones. As an entrepreneur, I always think how I will be able to bring revolutionary changes to help people and motivating them into not losing hope and starting up again from the scratch. So, the thought of empowering and enlightening the common man, by not only showing them but walking with them into a new path which enlightens them from within and help them in building a better economy and making the world a better place!
Every member working in an organization, focuses on emphasizing on creating both a product and a market. Characteristics of Creative Evolution can only be made when, the founders of the company are technically or entrepreneurially oriented, and they disdain management activities; their physical and mental energies get absorbed entirely by making and selling a new product, and making it compatible with the technology, in order to ease our work load. With the growing population as well as the prevailing illiteracy level, people are becoming victim of poverty. Competition in education & lack of opportunities, are frequent and informal. Long hours of work are rewarded by modest salaries and the promise of ownership benefits. Decisions and motivation are highly sensitive to marketplace feedback; management acts as customers react. All the foregoing individualistic and creative activities are essential for a company to get off the ground. But as the company grows, those very activities become the problem. Larger production runs require knowledge about the efficiencies of manufacturing.
“The Difference between ordinary & extraordinary is that little extra!”
The next era of growth evolves from the successful application of a decentralized organizational structure.
“The delegation phase brings a new period of growth, but freedom eventually breeds a parochial attitude.”
The pandemic has given us all an opportunity to build a new business future. Market disruption equals opportunity for those willing to look and work for it. This is the time to adjust and innovate your business model to market conditions.
Our Team : Our goal has been jointly decided by all the team members. They are fully committed to achieving it. Nothing is happening in silos. With the total commitment from team members, achieving organizational goals becomes easier. Communication is vital for achieving the successful completion of any project. Individual members have thought about creative solutions to the team’s problem. Thinking out of the box is vital in today’s economic scenario. We encourage talent to be a part of us in determination to be the best
Although the new directive techniques channel ones’ energy more efficiently into growth, they eventually become inappropriate for controlling more diverse and complex situations. Diligent, find themselves restricted by a cumbersome and centralized hierarchy. They have come to possess more direct knowledge about markets and machinery than do their leaders at the top; consequently, they feel torn between following procedures and taking initiative on their own.